US iPad Pricing

Apple heralds the long-awaited iPad as their “most advanced technology in a magical and revolutionary device at an unbelievable price”. From what we can gather by preliminarily assessing Apple’s iPad keynote, the iPad video presentation and various online sources, the iPad does in fact seem to boast some pretty advance technologies, some amazingly cool features [...]

iPad Video Presentation

Apple’s iPad video presentation is not only brilliantly produced (as always), but actually infuses some real magic into the iPad hype. Trust me, after watching the iPad video presentation and seeing some of the awesomely cool iPad features, you’ll be wishing for one this coming March. iPad Video Presentation

EXCLUSIVE iPad Hands-On Video

The following exclusive iPad hands-on video (courtesy of | original article here), showcases the iPad’s user-interface – though very briefly. EXCLUSIVE iPad Hands-On Video

Apple’s Jobs unveils new tablet computer, the iPad – YAHOO!

SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) – Apple chief executive Steve Jobs on Wednesday revealed the culture-changing company’s latest must-have device, a touchscreen tablet computer annointed the “iPad.” “We want to kick off 2010 by introducing a truly magical and … Read this except’s full story

It’s Official: Jobs Announces Apple’s IPad – CIO

iPad features include the ability to browse the Web and listen to music, with photo, calendar, and maps applications. It will work with the iTunes … Many of those handheld devices were based on Google’s Android Linux OS and provided the ability to … Read this except’s full story